कोकण मेवा हा ब्लॉग शोधा

शुक्रवार, १५ जानेवारी, २०२१

Digestive dry dates


Digestive dry dates

Digestive dry dates:

  • Ingredients: 
  • Dry dates 300 grams, 
  • Rock salt 2 tea spoons,
  • Powder sugar 2 table spoons, 
  • Cumin seeds powder 1 tea spoon, 
  • Dry ginger powder 1 teaspoon,
  •  Lemon juice 2 table spoons, 
  • Water.
  • Procedure: 
  • Soak dry dates in a sufficient water and two table spoons lemon juice for 7/8 hours. 
  • Remove dry dates from the liquid. Remove seeds from dry dates and cut into pieces as per your choice.
  • Add cumin seeds powder, rock salt, powder sugar and dry ginger powder in the pieces of dry dates. 
  • Mix well.
  •  Adjust salt and sugar as per your taste.
  •  Keep in a direct sunlight for atleast three days. 
  •  When dates become crispy store in a dry jar.
  •  Healthy and tasty mukhavas(digestive) is ready!
  •  Serve dates after heavy meals!

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