कोकण मेवा हा ब्लॉग शोधा

शुक्रवार, १५ जानेवारी, २०२१

Protein Bar

Protein Bar

  • Ingredients:
  • 1/4 cup almonds
  • 1/4 cup cashew nuts
  • 1/4 cup walnuts
  • 1/4 cup sesame seeds
  •  1/2 cup ground nuts
  • 3/4 cup jaggery
  • 1 teaspoon any refined oil
  • cardamom powder 1/2 teaspoon.
  • Procedure:
  • Crush almonds, ground nuts, cashew nuts, walnuts roughly.
  • Roast sesame seeds in a pan until little brown, keep aside.
  • Roast all crushed dry fruits till little brown and mix in roasted sesame seeds.
  • Add cardamom powder to the mixture.
  • Add jaggery and oil in a pan.
  • Keep stirring on low flame.
  • Grease wooden flat board and rolling pin with some refined oil, keep aside.
  • Stir well until all jaggery melts and start boiling.
  • Once jaggery starts boiling, add the mixture in a pan and remove the flame.
  • Mix well quickly and put the mixture on greased wooden board.
  • Roll flat with the rolling pin.
  • Cut as per your choice.
  • After ten minutes protein bar is ready.
  • Remove from the board.
  • Store in a airtight jar.
  • Enjoy cooking!!!

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